The flip side of diets-hypoglycemia

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Tags: Health, Health Care, Health News

Hipoalergennite diets, which are used for the treatment and prevention of allergic diseases may increase the risk for inadequate acceptance of nutrients, which is especially dangerous in children because it is associated with retardation in growth.
Currently, most science deals with the study of the relationships between diet and disease emergence of so-called. ketogenna hypoglycemia-the most widespread cause of hypoglycemia recidiviraŝa at an early age, but the reasons for it are not yet sufficiently studied.
Japanese scientists of Yamaguchi University Hospital have watched the disease diets and ketotična hypoglycemia in children with allergic diseases. The data are obtained on the basis of the history of the disease of small patients.
In 55.6% observed allergic diseases. 60% of the patients are subjected to a strict accent Elimination Diet for preventing allergies, and other children is not assigned such a diet.
Thus, in patients with a strict diet knockout is a tendency for the development of ketonična hipoglikomiâ. These children have a reduced capacity for suffering of hunger due to non-acceptance of many food products.

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