The most frequent errors in the use of drugs

Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Health, Health Care, Health Program

According to the statistics in some countries (where it is available), about 1% of people use the wrong variety of medications as a result of this leads to complications.

As for the Bulgarian such statistics is never made, we present data, summarized by the u.s. food and Drug Administration (FDA):

What are the most common mistakes?

In the first place – improper dosing. They represent 41% of the total.
In second place with 16% are wrongly prescribed medication or the incorrect instructions for their implementation.

Almost half of the errors are in people over the age of 60, which according to experts is not due to age, so much as the fact that these people usually take more medications simultaneously.

How to prevent such errors?

When the doctor comes to you some medication, ask him about its exact wording prescribed dose, method of application, what exactly did you written and how to store it.

This is true not only for the cases when you visit the doctor, but when you're in the hospital.
Before you write whatever it is, tell the doctor what other medications you currently take. Don't miss any dietary supplements.

Don't be afraid to ask questions – if the name of the medicine or its application seems odd if what has been written, is different from what you went to the doctor.

All of these rules apply and in cases when you go directly to the pharmacy to buy something that does not require a prescription.

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