Body affected by cellulite

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Tags: Cellulite

Applied with everyday powerful massage parts of the body affected by cellulite, this product leaves your skin smooth, soft and elastic Massage oil / anti-cellulite II rosemary essential oil will strongly stimulate circulation and in combination with the oil of rose geranium, excellent tone your skin. 

Essential oil of fennel as an essential ingredient of anti-cellulite treatments will strongly encourage the removal of toxins from the body and help with the retention of excess fluid. for more inforamtion about what is cellulite 

The result of the application of this product is nourished, smooth and toned skin oil for body cellulite oil for use all over the body, is applied to a circular rubbing motion to stimulate the circulation of the whole body, especially the parts affected by cellulite and thereby accelerate the treatment and toning tissues. 

Essential oils of grapefruit, carrot and fennel seeds will strongly purify, revitalize and tone your skin. 

Oil is perfect for everyday use or as an aid in the use of other anti-cellulite preparations against cellulite mud combination of green clay, seaweed wreck and essential oils of peppermint, excellent for stimulating circulation and the process of elimination of accumulated harmful substances from the body parts affected by cellulite. visit here

Mud is recommended to apply 1-2 times a week as a standalone preparation against cellulite or as the perfect preparation for the skin.

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