Cellulite makes the skin look ugly

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Tags: Cellulite

This fluid retention is one of the reasons for the increase of fat lobules, while others cause an increase in the volume of fat cells. 

The subcutaneous adipose tissue is built up of a cluster of fat cells and adipocytes, which are grouped into lobules. Between the lobules are binding partitions made of collagen and elastic fibers and between them undergo blood and lymph vessels.

The women are baffles oriented perpendicular to the skin surface, while in males crossed and form a network. Vertical arrangement of partitions allows increased penetration of lobules to the surface of the skin which is reflected as "orange peel”.visit here 


With mild to complete loss of elasticity

Given that a number of different factors affecting the development and treatment of cellulite is different depending on the clinical picture. They differ in four of its stages - from a mild form in which the skin is soft but the pressure remains concave (first stage), over soft and sagging skin where the pressure which leaves a trail already feel the bumps that are not painful (second stage).

In the third stage takes on the appearance of orange peel, cold and painful, while the fourth stage she completely loses elasticity and the appearance of the mattress, and the fingers are felt Lumpy sediments.more details about cellulite removal

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