Exercises to correct scoliosis

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Egoscue exercises bearing joints back into a neutral anatomical position
Due to sedentary lifestyle feeling pain in his back and knees
Wenceslaus Svoboda , Egoscue therapist, emphasizes the importance of Egoscue method in eliminating musculoskeletal pain, and information on these specially designed exercises that bearing joints back into anatomical position bring your fitness trainer Branimir Vajda and master.
The basis of the method on the basis of the anatomy of the body
Egoscue method , or non-medical way of dealing with musculoskeletal pain, based on the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of the human body in which the corrective exercises are used to improve muscle function and restore the body in a neutral position. It is intended for all persons who have problems with pain in my back, hips, knees , feet, shoulders, neck or other parts of the musculoskeletal system , regardless of gender and age. Click Here To Lean And Lovely Program Official Website
Egoscue therapist from the Association Movement to Health Wenceslaus Svoboda explained that this method is intended for all who the real cause of musculoskeletal pain can not solve operations, medicines and modern appliances. '' It is ideal for those who are willing to accept responsibility for your body and health and the real cause of the pain solve simple exercise program that consists of light movement and stretching'' he said.
A special system of rehabilitation exercises
The method is based on the fact that the body works as a whole and consequently consists of a series of exercises, movements and stretching which improves posture and thus directly affects the symptoms of pain .
'' Egoscue method uses specially designed exercises, e-exercises that the basic bearing joints back into a neutral anatomical position. Specifically, our system to run a fully funcionalan when the main bearing joints (feet, knees, hips, shoulders) are in a neutral anatomical position. This means that if we look at the human body in a relaxed standing on the front or back of the lines and connect the center point bearing joints, corners merger should be at 90 degrees.

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