Muscles in the home and home exercises

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Tags: Health, Health Care, Health News

Exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves - "Plie" on toes. Plie - is a ballet term denotes a deep squat. For the workout process stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes turned outwards, back straight, shoulders down, stomach sucked.

Raise your hands to the side, straining the abdominal muscles and buttocks, up on your toes without bending your back, deep squat, lower heel and then straighten up, hands down. Repeat 8-10 times, perform 3 sets. To complicate the exercises you can use dumbbells, weighing 1.5-3 kg, in this case,when the exercise, keep the dumbbells in visas lowered slightly bent arms in front of him. 10.

Exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and back. Blow on the spot. I. § main stand, legs apart, hip-width apart, open toe right foot out and turn the whole body to the right, the heel of the left foot is raised. Squeeze your buttocks, bend your knees and drop down the right knee is directly over the ankle, left thigh perpendicular to the floor. Back in and out run 10 times with each leg. Do 3 sets. For those for whom not enough aerobic of loads, add to your buttocks muscle training exercises with dumbbells strengthen buttocks. Males very often there is a strong desire to pump up muscle bulk and thereby achieve ideal body proportions. But it comes to the practice of not many.

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