Dental health of children

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Tags: Cellulite

Diseases of the oral cavity dental health breaks, weakens the digestive process. In this regard, teeth and gum disease is one of the pressing issues of today. 

, as we know, the use of sweet foods and dental caries is caused by setting excessively karbohidratın. The lack of normal amounts of the micro-elements fluorine, as well as the human body generates diseases of the teeth. Because fluorine in the water when the surface of the tooth keeps strong and shiny teeth. 

teeth can also affect speech or appearance. Worn-out teeth in people with weak voices. 

teeth in the process of developing teeth than normal milk teeth are very rich in organic matter. For this reason, places of decayed permanent teeth are more easily and quickly leaves. Milk tooth decay, pain, bad breath, difficulty in chewing, leads to problems such as lack of nutrition.


During this period, untreated dental disorders, ahead of the curvature of the teeth, jaw, and a variety of disorders in the development creates health problems. Therefore, a serious approach to dental hygiene, gum disease should be treated in a timely manner.

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