Exercise is good even at 90

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A systematic fitness program includes exercises for strength and durability can significantly improve even the physical condition of 90aridon, according to a new study.

As shown, only three months of training twice a week is sufficient to also significantly improved flexibility and balance, and reduce the risk of fall.

In the new study, published in the journal «Age», involved 24 volunteers aged 91-96 years.

Scientists from the Public University of Navarra, in Spain, they asked 11 of them to train twice a week, doing high intensity exercises for strength and balance.

The other 13 followed a moderate exercise program, which included gentle Stretching and flexibility exercises.

At the end of 12 weeks which lasted study, the first group of volunteers showed significant improvement in walking speed, the flexibility of the hip and knee joints, muscle strength and general ability of movement (eg could be getting much more easily than chair).

They were also significantly less likely to drop, which is common and dangerous problem of old age.

The benefits to the elders who exercised mildly was much smaller.

"Our study showed that the hard training is suitable even for seniors who are already weak," said lead researcher Dr. Mikel Iskouiernto, professor and director of the Department of Health Sciences University.

"From a practical standpoint, our findings suggest that the exercises for strength, flexibility and balance have a lot to offer to the most vulnerable older people by improving their well-being and help them handle much better their daily activities," he added.

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