Sexual function disorders

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Tags: Cellulite

There are various reasons for the problems of sexual function. Weight than those on the surface of the sport and the health of those who are experiencing problems with sexual function. More sex between psychological factors and the influence of the combination of weakness. In this regard, appropriate treatment methods are applied to the cause of the disease. 

Psychological treatment of anxiety, such as fear or guilt feelings allows you to overcome. The use of drugs by increasing blood flow to the genitals to the body helps to improve sexual function. Hormonal therapy in men with low testosterone levels, the testosterone treatment replasmanını. 


sexual knowledge there is a reluctance to have sex without. According to studies, low testosterone and dopamine levels in humans affects such cases. 

should know that smoking and bad habits for the prevention of male sexual problems, depression and stress damage. 


practice in this regard, and to pay attention to health, sex, and medical examination, it is important to learn the information.

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