Watch 3d movies harmful to human health

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Scientists from the University of California in the United States as a result of the research is harmful to the human body in 3D format defined not watched the video. 

Scientists are human, after watching 3D video, nausea, coughing, neck and spine revealed pain was observed. carried out among 24 volunteers, the scientists experimented with fatigue in humans found that there are some problems, and vision. Scientists advises people to watch videos in 3D for a few hours maximum. 

Scientists came to this conclusion as a result of research! population of poor countries than in rich countries, more people are unhappy. This is the conclusion of the World Health Organization's global survey respondents came after 89 min. 

"The Independent" newspaper reports, France, the Netherlands and the United States, 30 percent of those surveyed complained of depression. , while in China the figure is 12 percent. Weaker than in developed countries and less than 11 percent of the benchmark.In a depression in the number of population, India leads the world. So, in this country, 36 percent of respondents reported suffering from depression. Also, the fact that they are depressed twice as much as men and women in the study revealed. 120 million people in the world is equal to the number of people who suffer from depression.

 Psychologists in the depression and the ability of people to communicate with the outside world, which affect her. In the most severe forms of depression resulting in suicide cases. 850 thousand people commit suicide each year in the world. 

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