What is presbyopia?

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Tags: Cellulite

Some people may have presbyopia after the age of 40. Presbyopia - anomaly of refraction of the eye, small fonts and small objects at close range, which humans can not see. Vision problems caused by this disease is related to aging. In particular, this disease is caused by the deterioration of near vision later in life. As a result, the thickness of the lens in the eye loses its elasticity. Therefore, older people, read books and newspapers, sew or work on the computer for hours, causing various eye problems. In other words, in addition to seeing fuzzy headache, eye pain, fatigue and drowsy, situations arise. 

Experts say that it may interfere with presbyopia and hyperopia. However, patients with hyperopia, close to the vision of other vision problems is a problem. Presbyopia is the age-related vision problem of growing closer. When developing this disease, read books, magazines and other materials to be read from a distance of 35-40 cm. 
Presbyopia eye muscles are working, but not as good as it used to. The objects seem to have lost the elasticity of the lens to the desired level. As a result, the image falls behind the retina rather than on the retina in full. Causes blurred vision close to Buddha. The object is to increase the distance between the object and the eye is yonəlməni. For example: your face away from the newspaper to catch the opportunity to see the words. Therefore presbiopiyaya "long-arm syndrome" is also called. Laser in the treatment of this disease, presbyopia, spectacles, contact lenses, intraocular lenses are also useful. 

every human being has the right and the left hand is used more and more as you have a dominant eye. Monovizyon system "excimer" laser vision defect duzəldilərkən dominant look far to see the full, non-dominant eye, the better to serve them (-0.75 - 1.00 degrees) is established. Thus, the near-complete dependence on glasses decreases itməsə. 

glasses bifocal or multifocal glasses can be used. This is far from the glasses, to see exactly what is in the middle and close distances. Contact lenses will help you see far and near distances. However, eye dryness, eye allergy sufferers is difficult to use these lenses. Applying those with cataract and intraocular lenses, cataracts are first, then the multifocal intraocular lens is placed inside the eye. However, the risks and complications of intraocular surgery, cataract than those that apply only to this transaction.

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