Kyle leon scam - statistical "norm" for the healthy adult human

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Statistical "norm" for the healthy adult human is about 12 breaths per minute. Under such a regime strongly ventilated lungs with excessive loss of carbon

dioxide. If you create the deficit, then immediately there is a spasm of blood vessels, reduced bronchial wall. Stagnation in the same vein leads to vascular  kyle leon scam

disturbances and, as a consequence, to a variety of diseases. Surface is slower and - at least one and a half to two times - will improve gas exchange in the

blood and thus prevent the development of diseases.
Gymnastics, developed by Professor just puts us at a breath teaches feel right rhythm. You want to select only 5-6 minutes. The complex consists of 6

exercises - they can do at any time, if necessary interruptions. They relieve fatigue and restore performance. When performing regular charging normalizes

gas exchange, blood pressure, immune and nervous systems, cleanses the body of toxins, improves heart function and digestion, increases lung capacity.
Full breath - Exhale slowly through your nose and start the same unhurried breath. Can be considered to represent 1-2-3 or slowly rotating wheel - it will

help you create the right smooth rhythm. Please lower the diaphragm slightly plunging stomach then no voltage through both nostrils slowly inhale - the lungs

must be filled about 2/3 (after a few workouts, you will learn to feel their volume).

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