KYLE eon scam -it is an infection caused by pubic lice

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pubic lice
It is an infection caused by PhD hires pubis, a species of tick.
How do you get?
Most often through sexual contact with the partner / a contaminated / a, although it can be transmitted by clothes (towels, sheets, underwear)
What are the symptoms?
The most common symptom is an intense itching. Adult lice and nits can be found in the genital region and in parts containing hairs. Stings Lice can cause

How long before symptoms appear?
The first symptoms take 1-2 weeks to appear. How is the diagnosis? It is easily done by finding lice and nits.
How is it treated?
Treatment should be done ASAP. To do this: SUPER COOL: Find a health service, because only then the treatment will be most appropriate and efficient Causes,

symptoms, treatment of Leucorrhoea
What is it? It is the presence of the discharge leaving the female genital organ.
The genitalia are not completely dry. Is daily produced a small  amount of secretion that is very important to lubricate the genitals during sexual

intercourse, protect it from other bacteria and help in time of pregnancy.
Such normal secretion is composed of liquid, some protective bacteria (natural body) and cervical mucus (natural secretion produced in the woman's cervix).

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