What is the prevention of this condition

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Tags: Health, Health Care, Health Program

The only way to overcome the congestion of the heart's movement. But when we talk constantly of patients to move, not the means to flee. Each

need to move your

There is a simple rule – a minimum of 3,000 steps a day. Even better is to make 5000 feet, which equates to 3 km walk. If you do not immediately start with the 3000 feet, 100 feet, and each day increase with another. This is the simple prevention of arterial hypertension in adults. Otherwise there are enough drugs. In Bulgarian have all the medicated group and we can deal with this disease.
-The inevitable heart attack when a coronary heart disease and how is it treated?
-Ischemic heart disease does not mean that I will surely befall us attack. It is the acute form of the disease. Ischemic heart disease is angina or angina pectoris (on narodnomu chest frog). Caused by constrictions in the blood vessels that prevent adequate feed the heart muscle, and greater physical exertion provoke crises. Modern medicine has enough capabilities to diagnose early ischemic heart disease. Are not necessary especially expensive tests. Our cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology have evolved significantly in recent years. In an operational way through aortno-coronary bypasses or as an interventional time through stents problem is overcome.

How to reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases in our country, which is the highest in the world?
-Countries that have reduced their cardiovascular mortality, have achieved this mainly by cutting her in the third age. In the United States have reduced mortality by 50% with prevention. A typical example is Finland, which at 70 years of the twentieth century was one of the first places in heart attacks and strokes in the world. It was found that the reason is the excessive consumption of alcohol, the Finnish high-fat milk and milk products, fatty meat, from the stress and lack of exercise. Meanwhile in Finland were putting in 70% of the money for hospital treatment and 30% for maintenance. But the Government drew these percentages and 70% of the funds in the prevention. So after only a few years achieved outstanding results.
Nobody knows how much is meant to live, but with a few simple things of our life expectancy and its quality can be improved. It is enough to move, don't smoke and don't drink alcohol, eat moderately by limiting animal fat at the expense of the plant. We emphasize the refusal from smoking cigarettes. Wrong idea is that smoking damages the blood pressure. Each cigarette for about 30 minutes, causing a powerful spasm of arterial vessels, which raises blood pressure. If you smoke in a box or two, make your own conclusions.

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