Customized fat loss - focusing mainly systematic monitoring of parasites in humans

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Focusing mainly systematic monitoring of parasites in humans
I understand that research on gorillas is quite a prestigious event.
Yeah, in general, the research apes very attractive field. Possibility to engage in research gorillas got our team back in 2007; it is a lowland gorilla in

Danger Songhai areas in the Central African Republic, where they are one of the few habituated groups.
It is very hard to get the research site such as this helped us a bit of luck and the fact that we got to the topic, which had never previously had much

 We focus mainly systematic monitoring of parasites in humans, gorillas and other wild animals and focus mainly on pathogen transmission between hosts.
 However, during the cooperation with the local people, we gradually discovered that they have more parasites than gorillas. A particularly shocked us the

level of medical care.
You were not used to it from other African countries?
Central African Republic are among the least developed countries in Africa, it is one of the very poorest countries, medical care, there is no comparison

should be with Uganda or Tanzania.
No wonder, then, that I normally treatable diseases such as malaria infected or minor injury often ends in tragedy.
The average life expectancy is eighteen years old, the infant mortality rate is incredibly high. I was to be an indirect witness to a shocking case of highly

pregnant woman whose baby died before birth.
 Does there such fatalism that if you get sick, it's all over, so her family refused to bring her to the hospital. When the husband finally decided to do our

duress, it was too late, she died on the way to sepsis. But even if you get to the hospital, all is not well.

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