Joey atlas scam - audits in american health care

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Roth heritage Brussels demanded audits in American health care
European Commission at the Ministry of Finance requested audit of all projects in health care, from which furnished the hospital and they drew from European

funds. Audit across operational programs will take place next year
"The European Commission on 30 7th 2013 requested by the Czech Audit Office to carry out a horizontal audit in connection with projects in health care.
 Expected final report no later than December 31, 2014," answered the question MF Dens Sinead Meehan from the press department of the Directorate General for

This falls under the EU commissioner for regional development, where it is governed by European funds.
The audit will take place across operational programs, so called horizontal. On the projects from EU funds, which somehow interfered with the purchase of

medical equipment? In contrast, the classical audit is done by a single program.
Of fraud in health talks and BIS report
The Commission has apparently seems to be "something rotten" in the system.
He probably put together a report of the investigation of possible fraud in the purchase of medical equipment and devices of many Czech hospitals, of which

the most famous is the case of a deputy governor David Roth and Klan hospital director Catherine temper.

Or read the BIS annual report for the year 2012, in which he writes: "In 2012, the growing trend of increasingly elaborate abuse of the regulatory gaps in

some sectors.

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