Truth about cellulite review - treatment apitherapy

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Tags: Cellulite

The problem Cellulite / Cellulite / is particularly striking in the last 30 years. According to the program Truth about Cellulite, The term "cellulite" was imposed in 1973 with the help of the media, some doctors and traders quickly found popularity and is today seen as a separate nosological entity. To write nowadays what cellulite for many people seems superfluous. I will not argue about this issue, and according to his forces will try to bring some additional light on the problem and refer you to appropriate sources. Disease in various distinct disturbances of the skin surface of the seat, thigh etc.., 

Most often described as "orange peel" occurs more often in women and data Mr. different authors affects up to 90% of them. Although female hormones may play a significant role in the onset of disease, hormone therapy is ineffective. The main reason for this seemingly purely cosmetic defect is considered impaired distribution of adipose tissue in the deeper layers of the skin and parallel changes in the structure of the connective tissue that separates fat of tights. With age, and affected by a large group of roving just factors, connective tissue loses its elasticity and begins to pull the surface layers of the skin so as to form dimples. By increasing the amount of subcutaneous fat, the severity of the dimples becomes greater. Perhaps many people do not report it, but this is only the surface of the iceberg. This is because the fat tissue and connective there throughout the body. 

Therefore, effects on cellulite and modifications should not be limited to surface treatments in the form of massage, rubbing of different substances which improve the metabolism of connective tissue, the skin, the archeology of the lymph microcirculation. It is necessary to apply global methods that affect the body as a whole, as the harmful effects of the environment not only attack the tissues in these areas and affect the whole organism. In matters of local impact in cellulite there are many recommendations and techniques and I will not dwell on them. Want to call your attention to a particular natural product that can affect the metabolism of every cell in the human body, including a skin. This is bee pollen. 

According to leading experts in dietetics intake of one teaspoon of pollen boosts metabolism, thereby occurs mobilization of fat stores, and this is a desirable effect on cellulite. Pollen can take for cellulite so: One teaspoon of pollen is placed in a cup of yogurt. Stir. Allow for a night in the fridge. Morning stir again It is on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, and the best food instead. The morning dose is made different in the same manner. After standing in the refrigerator is taken in the evening on an empty stomach at least half an hour before meals. This should be done continuously. Visible effect occurs after about two months of receiving pollen in this manner.

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