31 day fat loss cure review <<
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Flow Rate of Diet Intake For Reducing Fat

The arrival of energy intake should be less than the flow rate. What components should be present in the discharge diet? First, there must be a small number of complete protein (to avoid protein deficiency) and liquid dietary fat (for delivery of essential fatty acids).

Second, a significant portion of the discharge energy diet should be carbohydrates. After the body has to burn their fat, and that requires a catalyst to the Krebs cycle, which is synthesized from glucose. Third, still need vitamins and minerals intake which is easier to ensure appropriate intake of dietary supplements Fat Loss Cure Review.

Such diets we call full. In contrast, there is a full and defective diet. For example, these include the above protein-free or fat-free diet, much mono-(banana, grapefruit, buckwheat, etc.). Defective diets are harmful for the body because it does not provide all the essential nutrients.


31 Day Fat Loss Cure Review


In terms of negative energy balance all nutritious diet can be divided into three types. This is the basic rigid diet (with a daily intake of calories - 400 -800 kcal, for the fat loss - up to 200 grams per day). The basic and reduced glucose diets spent fuel as well as the catalyst to the Krebs cycle.

And with a strict diet of carbohydrates goes low, so almost all of the glucose goes to the synthesis of the catalyst, and the fuel is derived from the body's own fat. In addition to the version of the diet there is one more, which can not be called a perfect diet.

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