The body under stress-the body under stress

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The body under stress 7 most common problems and solutions guaranteed

The stress we experience when we are exposed to extreme conditions. And if we are immersed in it a long time, the body starts to rebel. How to deal with potential problems?

The body under stress 7 most common problems and solutions guaranteed

First Oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is known marauder, which allows the skin against free radicals - oxidants. Most difficult to change it, we live in a city full of smog. Urban skin is gray, similar to that in smokers.

 Suffering from lack of hydration and dry air from air conditioning

 Your skin is so helpless, just perhaps under the influence of stress Forget for a moment defends. It has the mechanisms of their own - immunity. Her support is therefore worth it.

The adjustment path:

Strengthen skin vitamins, as well as your entire body. Antioxidants are also contained in preparations for skin care. 

A major champion of the beauty of the skin is vitamin E, which has a calming effect. Use in products that moisturize enough, such as shear butter. It even according to experts Samar brand (sold Sphere) neutralizes dangerous substances from the air.

Great moisturizing effect is also acid or glycerin. The uppermost layer of the skin retains moisture and prevents the entry of undesirable substances into the body. The skin perfectly calm extracts of peppermint, which stimulate the hormone of happiness and relieve discomfort voltage. 

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