It will be possible to prevent hair loss

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Tags: Cellulite

University of Pennsylvania researchers kecəlləsmə problem caused bald men and laboratory mice, the protein was identified as a result of the experiments. According to foreign media reports, scientists have learned that most of the men and 70 K kecəlləsmə begins in middle age, approximately 80% is in the eye soon feel the kecəlləsmə. pivotal role in the genetic structure of the male hormone testosterone and the ynayır.

Soganaqları bloom in their effect decreases gradually thinning hair and is no longer visible in the reduced gorunmyəcək. Scientists have learned that the hair in bald areas located prostoqlandin D protein levels in the cells rises corms. Studies in mice artificially increasing the amount of protein in the hair loss was observed.

After the adoption of the same protein in humans planted stands of hair extension process. dermatology professor who heads the faculty of George Kocarelisin practices, according to them, are now known to cause kecəlləmənin.

The next step is to reduce the amount of protein to maintain and baldness. Now they intend to reduce the amount of protein in the hair bulbs. Researchers hope that this will prevent hair loss and new hair, they will be able to rise. 



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