Pain after exercise

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Tags: Health, Health Care, Health News

Of exercises regularly will help keep your back muscles strong. And it reduces pain after exercise is important; there are two types of stretching and strengthening exercise Stretching exercise caution in the exercise.

Health slowly began to remember that the strength of the latter may not be the same. If your back is not strong enough and you rush to a recognized because you back pain. Should begin to exercise it is simple and does not cause pain from time to slowly increase. When the body is strong, thereby increasing both the quantity and intensity Choose how to exercise properly if you have recently recovered from back pain should choose an exercise that affects you less after low impact exercise such as cures Exercise in Water Cycling on where to adjust the seat height and handlebar. Avoid movements that cause pain, especially those with back pain before. Waist twist eg golf The need to stop frequently, such as playing tennis basketball sports such as football, rugby, wrestling bumps. Tips on Exercise Need to target, as is the strength of the muscles in and out to keep the heart healthy. Do not hold your breath while exercising because it makes blood pressure higher. To breathe normally Muscles to achieve balance The administration back then exercises. The muscles on the front to the back muscles and so on. For More Information the appropriate weight when lifting him by 10-15 times and then puts on weight, it is weight. Do not spend too much time of the study found that players set a day is enough to make the muscles strong. Do not rush to lift and drop slowly to the muscle was exercised in full. Exercise regularly 3 times a week. Shoes to prevent foot Stretching exercise Management is to reduce pain and stretching. Examples of management stretching you should choose how to manage it to suit yourself. Standing feet separated Hands on head Tilt to the side and hold for 15-30 seconds 3-5 times on each side. Chair I bent down touched Until the onset tight after 15-30 sec hold at times 3-5 times. 4 foot crawl slowly inhale and bend back to return to normal. Exhale slowly and bend down to the floor to five times. Stand with feet slightly apart, knees bent. Hands on waist Bent back as much as possible and hold that position for 2 seconds.

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