Natural measures for acne treatment

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Tags: Health, Health Care, Health News

Reduce Stress: Negative emotions and stress are associated with increased production of inflammatory cytokines. Stress also increases the production of cortisol in the adrenal glands. Chronic stress burden on the adrenal glands over time and can lead to hypothyroidism lead. However, again Hypothyroidism leads to increased release of androgens and therefore to acne.acne no more scam

Increase your antioxidant intake: In order to manage stress and lack of sleep better, you should increase your antioxidant intake. Also occurring in acne pathogenic bacteria produce oxidative stress (free radicals), from which can develop inflammation.
Free radicals can damage skin cells and hindering a healthy new tissue growth, resulting in a longer healing time for an acne breakout with papules, pustules and cysts. High quality and natural antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and eliminate the harmful free radicals. Valuable antioxidants: astaxanthin, glutathione, and OPC.
Oily skin and unsuitable cosmetics are considered as risk factors for acne. Both the natural skin oils and cosmetics can clog the pores of the skin and increase in this way an acne.

Options for skin care for acne can be found below ("Natural measures for external acne treatment"). Consider the case of acne that here, less is often more. Make sure in any case not to use any soaps or skin care products that contain harmful chemicals which then itself again lead to skin problems and this can exacerbate.

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