Acne is caused by several reasons

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Tags: Health, Health Care, Health News

Acne is caused by several reasons. But we can prevent acne to haunt us again.
Causes of acne
Surface sensitive children might.
Caused by using cosmetics not wash clean or allergies to cosmetics that kind
Sebaceous glands create too fat.acne no more scam

Caused by stress
Levels of hormone changes, such as during menstruation
Generally be treated by a doctor. Medication Pressing acne from medical experts and spinning Microdermablation, but if you do not want to treat acne disappear by itself. I have a method pandan introduced as follows.

 The guidelines
- If the primer or applying cosmetics. Hair should be washed with Cleansing Remover and must be washed thoroughly.
- Choose a moisturizer without oil and should be chosen to suit the conditions.
  Surface and prevent acne drug.
- Avoid the face or front of the other.
- Do not eat fatty foods, fried foods, fruit and ice cream.
- Need to sleep enough.
- Chill out, do not stress, stressed, acne girls.
-  Do not! Press sheep skin acne, acne pimples, picking pimples because lever to cause acne. Including the hole on the face

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