Grow taller 4 idots -to pollinate almond groves in california

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" We hold our breath ," says Dennis English Village , research scientist at the University of Maryland , in view of the following pollination season in February next year .

Winter Mortality

To pollinate almond groves in California more than a half million beehives are needed. Researchers are increasingly concerned about the bee deaths. The past seven years, the average winter mortality of bees over thirty per cent, ten per cent higher than the historical trend . In the U.S. alone, honeybees pollinate 130 different crops. Which together represent an annual market value of $ 15 billion?


“We hold fewer bees and they die quickly," said a specialist from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bee mortality is attributed to the use of pesticides and fungicides, pollution and climate change. The combination of pesticide causes the bees less or no longer are resistant to the parasite Norseman coronae , causing them to die . Some researchers attributed it to “travel stress " of bees that are transported . From one crop to another


Given the price of Californian almonds on the world as a true benchmark, the price increase also impact in Europe . Alpo, the European leader in almond milk, suggests that drought , problems with pollination and high demand are responsible for higher prices . Alpo gets his tonsils out Europe.3







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