Life after gall bladder surgery

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Tags: Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer


B gallbladder removal surgeries performed on the world's second largest yerdədirTəəssuf u that it is often perceived as the end of oddası catırBelə patients who underwent surgery after getting a lot of questions about how qidalanacaqları.


Gall bladder bile flow from the liver of a healthy body, there are certain concentrations accumulate in the liver and common bile catırOd liver, gall bladder removed, then flows directly into the intestine of twelve fingers, its density is rather low, and only a small amount of food can play a role in the digestive juice. If the patient does not follow the correct diet regime, when the liver bile, liver yıgılırBu internal flows of the inflammatory process, and there is even a risk of stone formation in patients after surgery for verirMəhz it little by little, but it is often recommended to eat from each food edilirCunki The adoption of a more active flow-compromising intestine duodenum təkandırƏməliyyatdan a kind of organism in the first 3-4 months of the new hospital, medical nutrition oyrəsirArtıq slowly digest the rules are set.


The first few hours after surgery ,10-12 hours later-hunger-eating small amounts of liquid (oil-free broth, soup, Kisel), 3-4 days later bisib-water grated vegetables, meat and fish, mashed, thinned sıyıqlarTəxminən 2-3 The diet of the patient and is expanding throughout the week, as well as the normal salınırBununla so sick of wet food at least 2-3 months, the preferred food of the bladder after verməlidirOd soup, stewed, Kisel 1.5-2 liters per day, including drinks lots of fluids to make affect olmazOdqovucu:-hips, barberries (barberry) dəmləmələri, fruits and vegetables, especially tomato juice, apples, prunes, dried apricots stewed mainland is good to drink.


N-4, 20 Yessentukl, Slovyanskaya, smirnovskaya and other mineral waters and its qatılasmasının helps avoid compromising durulasmasına alırAdətən mineral water 3-4 times a day, 30-40 minutes before a meal, half a cup of warm edilməlidirSuyu slowly set, Typically lazımdırBir qurtumlarla small drink, mineral water course is icilirBir months later and again 1 month 2-3 months break drunk.  





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