Each age-appropriate skin care rules

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Tags: Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer

While skin care, skin type and age-appropriate care is important. 



20-year-old skin care


20 years of age, our skin secrete adequate amounts of fat in the product, there is no need for the oil which is rich in nutrients. You can use a product that provides Nəmlənməyi. 1 time per week on a regular basis should be peeling.


30-year-old skin care


Slows down the skin's self-renewal function of the age of 30. Nəmlənməklə skin also needs to be fed. Peel 2 or 3 times a week you need to. Cleaning and peeling of the products you can use a combination of surgery.


40-year-old skin care


40 years old, as well as tons changes in moisturizers, skin qırıslarının, loss of elasticity periods beginning. Products can be used against the 30-year-old spot. Skin care products to bring back the lost water should be applied morning and evening.



Dry skin

Your skin is very dry, you do not need tonikə. Do not use alcohol-based toniklərdən qurutduqları skin. Brief introduction to steam your skin for a few minutes, please.


For oily skin


Once a week, clean the dead skin cells. If the large-scale pores of your skin, your skin lavandayla compress. To do this, fill a large pot with warm water and five drops of lavender oil into the add. The smell of lavender oil into the shooting, thoroughly soak a clean cloth into warm water and apply all over your skin. Lavender has soft features, skin cleaning at the same time soothe sinirlərinizi.



For mixed skin type


Where skin needs moisture (especially on the cheeks, forehead and neck area) and where there is more fat (especially the nose, chin and forehead sometimes), please specify. Use different masks for different areas of your face. For oily T-zone (the forehead, nose and chin), clay-based mask is a mask of your face, choose a moisturizer for dry areas. Weather, stress and changed hormonlarınızın do not forget your skin's moisture balance.


Vitamin E for young skin


Vitamin E renews skin cells, protects the skin from the sun and keeps the young.


  For glowing skin


Brightness source of natural foods, sports, and seek vitaminlərdə.


Skin blemishes at home, to be resolved


The sun, aging, acne and pregnancy spots ... It is enough to register the kitchen to combat spots. 





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