Before the wedding, hand and feet care

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The wedding day is the most important day of your life ınızın flawless physical beauty and if you want to make a difference in the work salmal definitely take a look at the following specific recommendations. Intend to draw upon the flesh of attention of all the guests at the wedding, you should consider the following tips.


Different, and to the excitement will be a completely different life! Gula shoot a few months in advance of rare beauty, excellent visibility, and like a princess until begin ırlıqlara to be prepared. G əlinliyiniz complement, ılarınız shoes, hair and make-up as you are taking your ərar g h er detail, I do not think. A lot of people did not see the hands and feet of our continuous ımınız do? Asghar must have the perfect wedding, a bride, because her husband is expected to turn over. Imınıza should therefore see the importance of the need to hand and foot. Hand and foot before the wedding to see the ımınız Security ist ədiyimiz There are several proposals of marriage ırlatmaq xat!


Toydan qabaq əl və ayaqlara qulluq

If you are having problems with dryness of your delicate hands and feet with shea and moisturizing creams containing low ar, or you can use the bathroom at the moment. Open your hands and feet warm and the API h əddindən art or line art should open the meat with cold water yumamaga attention. In particular, the hands of a chemical (detergents, etc..) Must take care not to touch the products.


Maybe it's not to be a woman commad, if such a practice is not seen as the protectors of the nail, nails help protect əkci more than dead. If the nail is particularly resistant paint protector of the condition d ırnaqlarınıza. Wedding day, you can use the nail paint your nails healthy Job əkildə parlamas əyirsinizsə INI ist, to use as soon as possible baslamagınızı nail protector is recommended.


Toydan qabaq əl və ayaqlara qulluq

Imınız I need to see your skin regularly. Distinguish hands and feet during a specific time of the day əldi of cash! They also need to provision the perfect wedding ımdır visibility. Ed peeling hands and feet before the wedding cash target əyriliklərindən clean, soft, and make sure you can t see them drinking.


You can clean the shower once a week during the dabanlarınızı the heel stone. So you are taking your legs to get rid of the dead d ərilərdən and sərtliklərdən, it will be soft and smooth. But the most important point, then trace unutmaman feet əmləndirmək API is n.


Dear ladies, the maintenance of the toyqabagı or simply do not need to look beautiful on your wedding day. At the same time, a lady of her, hand and foot care should pay attention to health. Please try missed a chance to focus on beauty and health.




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