There qoxunuz sweat? do not worry!

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Tags: Cellulite



How can we not have the smell of sweat?


Tərləyər every human being healthy. However, a small amount of some tərləyər, some of them very. But we all have in common is that smell tomer. Clinics has done a lot to the smell of sweat. Even now, the smell of sweat is produced by removing cosmetics. But you do not want to use chemicals in a product, herbal products, can prevent the smell of sweat.


Why sweat smells?


In fact, a liquid does not smell of sweat. Under the armpit, under the breast, sweat glands secrete sweat in the genital region, and is the temples. Protein and fat composition of minerals in sweat and spreading it. The elements in the development of odor-causing minerals provide.


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What can we do to avoid the bad smell of sweat?


1 First of all, the smell of sweat, which can be used in soaps. Eliminates odor causing bacteria on the skin with soap. Antiperspirantlar efficient, but they dry the skin.


2 sweaty face carbonate (soda) or you can apply corn flour. Both of them without harming the skin absorbs sweat. In particular, a kind of carbonate antiseptics, has the effect of removing odors.


3 The smell of sweat, get into the habit of bringing food in relation qoxacaqdır. For example, large amounts of garlic, onion smell the sweat of the people who use it are more severe. Green-colored foods such as fish and structure of zinc can cause odor. 

4 is an extreme imbalance of these chemicals could be due to tərləyirsizsə. B u claim is a skin condition c may be a sign of disease. For this reason, consult a specialist to give you the most accurate results.


The plants have to eliminate the smell of sweat?


Yes, as mentioned earlier plants in nature is the panacea. You can take the smell of sweat, your home, there are plants that you can use without any difficulty.  


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Antiperspiranttır sage. Known to everyone, and to prevent the production of sweat, which is widely known for a plant. Green, sage butter, which you can easily find the stores or you can get it easily. Sulandırın sage oil well. With the help of a cotton underarm sweating in the genital region was removed, and the face, chest, six, can be used anywhere, such as the temples. Adacayını brew, infused as a tea you can drink the water from boiling. Both calming effect, but also a positive impact on your life will be removing sweat. The main point: all the rest of the tea sweaty places, you can even wash the genital area.


Tea tree oil


This is a very nice cinnamon smell like butter. Australia, which is obtained from a tree. You can easily find Əczəxanalarda. Apply a very small amount of oil in the skin. The degree of skin excess fat can zədəlyə skin, but the pain, but also to dryness. After about 1 hour of use, it is recommended to clear. In the area of the tea tree oil can cause skin burns. Sweating in the genital area, including areas can apply.



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