Kyle leon review - to cause infection and germs need to be ingested

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To cause infection and germs need to be ingested
To cause infection, germs need to be ingested.
Generally they are transmitted when people do not wash their hands with soap and water after using the toilet or changing diapers.
Whoever has the germs on the hands can become infected by eating, smoking or hand carries the mouth. You can also pass germs to any person or object you touch, even for foods that, if not properly cooked, can transmit the disease
Rarely, germs Shebelle can also be transmitted into lakes and pools with insufficient chlorine.
When someone with diarrhea bathes or swims in the pool or lake, poems brevier germs in the water and infects other people who swallow this water or just wetting his lips with water.
Shebelle can be transmitted by animals?
Common Pets, farm animals and wild animals do not transmit these germs, only humans and monkeys can transmit them.
How can I make sure I have Shebelle?
Your doctor, nurse or health center must submit a sample of your stool or a rectal swab (material collected rectally the final portion of the intestine) to a laboratory
Its lab then makes a culture of germs and tests to see if There Shebelle in the sample.
Takes a few days for germs to grow in culture in sufficient numbers so that the laboratory can perform the test number
How is the disease treated?

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