Joey atlas scam - clothing or burning paper

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Grease fires Of the 15 tested, blankets, there appeared only 3 to meet European standards, even though they do mention that standard to meet (EN: 1869-norm).
The standard requires that the blanket resists the fire of burning cooking oil for 15 minutes and that the oil does not catch fire again within three minutes

after the blanket was removed. Meanwhile, those blankets would be removed from the market or the information on the packaging was adjusted. In the  Joey Atlas Scam

Netherlands, the Burns Foundation similar deficiencies assessed fire blankets.
• When buying on the packaging of the product EN: 1869 state (where it does not matter whether there are other words for 'AND' stand)
 • Is there another code on the package, then the blanket only suitable for extinguishing burning clothing or burning paper for example, but not for an oil

or grease fire? Ensure that there is no indication or warning that the blanket is not suitable for burning fryer or flame in the pan.
• The blanket is square or rectangular and is at least 1m to 1m and a maximum of 1.80 to 1.80 m
• The blanket should be folded so that it expands later than four seconds, and should be ready for use
The results are published in the journal Ophthalmology and presented at a meeting of the Eye Bank Association of America and the Cornea Society in New


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