Changes in health status with sudden weight loss

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Tags: Health, Health Care, Health News


Health consequences of human suffering from anorexia may be, as mentioned above, it is extremely heavy. Changes in health status characterized by the following symptoms:

·         Abnormal decrease in heart rate.

·         Sears skin a yellowish tint.

·         The appearance of hair in the form of a small cannon on the face and hands (a phenomenon called "lanugo" which is explained by the fact that the body, thus trying to preserve body heat.) Venus Factor System Review Our Responsibilities

·         Lack of energy and fatigue, even the manifestation of low activity.

·         Intolerance to cold - especially in the hands and feet.

·         Low blood pressure and dizziness.

·         Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, manifested in constipation and abdominal pain.

·         Hormonal disorders.

·         Swelling of the joints.

·         Increased brittle hair and nails.

In severe cases, can result in serious complications, which are shown in the following symptoms: Venus Factor Privacy Policy

·         Failures of cardiac rhythm.

·         The weakening of kidney function.

·         Anemia.

·         Extremely low blood pressure.

·         The appearance of tooth enamel erosion due to the constant vomiting.

·         Decreased bone density (osteoporosis).

These complications pose the greatest threat not only to the overall health of the anorexic, but for his life.

DEVELOPMENT OF DISEASE - As mentioned above, anorexia is most common in women (90 per cent), and usually appears in adolescence or at a very young age. According to various sources of information, the number of Russian girls suffering from anorexia is at least one percent, and the maximum - ten percent.


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