Latest in Teslio


Stones similarities or alum yamani
Alum is divided according to color, taste, shape and texture to many types transparent white batsman yellowish solid Resin and called Aleman, and when grinding alum becomes the color bright white.● A final note:- Attention to the cleanliness of the…
Infection with the bacterium salmonella
The people most affected by the incidence of contaminated foods are children, pregnant women and the elderly. In some cases, symptoms may not appear on the sick person, but after about a week and probably more on the handling of the contaminated food.…
Secret weight loss tips associated with acai berry pure max
Acai Berry is a good weightloss solution and now has long been recognised by its substantial end users around the globe. It offers a number of wellness benefits to folks. Gurus get in touch with this Acai Berry is a tremendous foodstuff which is also…
Germs and viruses
Vaccinations saves children from deadly diseases of the great successes achieved by the science of medicine in the recent past is the discovery of many pathogens transmitted infection (epidemic or infectious). Since the discovery of the first bacterium…
Research findings link weight gain and diabetes by matt traverso
Diabetes and hyper-insulinemia as predictors of colorectal cancer risk in a prospective cohort of women: Women with diabetes are 1.5 times more likely to develop colorectal cancer than those who did not have metabolic disorders, according to researchers…
Matt traverso abdominal fat predicts heart disease
MATT TRAVERSO-According to recent studies the fat around the stomach are the chief culprit in the link between obesity and cardiovascular disease. This study raises the possibility that people can be overweight without significantly raising their heart…
Changes in health status with sudden weight loss
Health consequences of human suffering from anorexia may be, as mentioned above, it is extremely heavy. Changes in health status characterized by the following symptoms: · Abnormal decrease in heart rate. · Sears skin a yellowish tint.…
Anorexia is a psychological disorder
Increasing the level of activity, you allow the body to burn more calories and help him lose weight, but we must remember that the body can only withstand a certain amount of exercise. At some point when you will be hard to recover and come overvoltage,…
Adviser for cosmetics and nutrition
I'm an adviser for cosmetics and nutrition and I would like to write you a few tips on how to properly care for their skin. I myself am working with cosmetics Derma. Which is cosmetics developed especially for sensitive and otherwise stressed series…
What is true for the skin
Feet dry What is true for the skin, also apply to your feet. Try to keep dry. Wet shoes can cause fungal and bacterial infection. After each washing or bathing the feet really dry, not to wet or damp. Pay special attention to spaces between the fingers,…
People tend to have problems with the skin
This year we have “winter" never did. That does not mean that it is not cold and frost, before which we must defend. Save your skin, is the gateway to the whole body! Especially in the winter when it is cold outside and dry, people tend to have…
Regular skin care and men benefit
Regular skin care and men benefitWith all due respect to Ernest Hemingway It should say that at one point would not succeed today. He claimed that a man does not smell anything other than himself. It is not just about the smell. Once touted masculine…
Comes with novelty care anti-ageing
After what product to reach? Available care anti wrinkle cream is afraid - be very dense texture that could blemishes worse. Moreover it is not pleasant for skin that tends to lubricate or shine.In contrast, treatment for acne is for the most part intended…
Wrinkles and skin imperfections: incompatible issues?
Wrinkles and skin imperfections: incompatible issues?2 problems, one solution Wrinkles and skin imperfections on the face of two separate skin problems that plague women of different ages. Imperfections such as clogged pores, pimples or inflammatory…
The average person's diet
Unfortunately, the average person's diet is dominated by omega-6 and omega-3 have significantly less. If, however, the predominant diet of omega-6 and unhealthy fats in the brain leads to secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters that affect retention…