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Regular soap increases the roughness of the skin and cause allergic reactions
Regular soap, which we are used to wash the face and body by a day is one of the most serious effects on the skin, pointing out that regular soap contains high amounts of dyes and antiseptics scorching strong on the skin, which…
Strengthen the muscles or increase its size
Question in mind a lot of the pioneers of gyms (Gym) and also sports lovers’ body building and muscle strengthening, what is the difference between muscle strengthening and amplified any increase in size and what are the exercises that will help…
Mistakes made by novices in amplifying muscle
Seen a game build muscle and amplify muscle amateur very popular these days because of the creep terrible by the youth and adolescents to get the body better, but given this is a lot of teenagers beginner in this sport a lot of mistakes and these are…
Avoid these mistakes you'll get muscles fast
Muscle building process is not easy. Many imagine that they are just on their way to the gym and regular training and nutrition random so they arrived at the desired purpose, but then collide with reality that the goal has not been reached, but they…
Amplify muscle exercises free weights
Free weights in the gym like Dumbelz iron bar and its roads and a very special features for use in strengthening muscles, or amplify, and you have to take into account a lot of important observations which help you avoid a lot of mistakes and the dangers…
Remedial steps for dry skin
The first step: Make-up In such a climate, an intellectual in skin health and freshness more than anything else, even if it's your look. So we advise you not to put makeup in the days of sandstorms. The presence of any lotion on the face is considered…
The right skin care in summer
Skin care tips for the summer In the summer, not only the clothing is light and airy, even your summer skin care should adapt to the season. In contrast to winter, the focus is now not so much on the supply of moisture for the skin. During the summer,…
The best moisturizer for dry skin
Dry skin is extremely annoying for those affected. Dry skin often looks a bit rough, cracked, scaly, brittle and / or bloodshot. In addition, highlight dried skin folds. Causes of dry skin Age and environmental influences are two factors that affect…
How to skin aging and wrinkling delayed or undo
Combat aging processes of the skin Skin aging and wrinkling, two are particularly unwanted signs of aging. Although there are few opportunities to prevent these aging processes, so there are at least delay behavior to the age of the skin.…
Muscles are divided into three types
First: the voluntary muscles: The so called because they are subject to movements in the human will, as they are called striated muscle because they look under the microscope in the form of lines to fiber, and some scientists have called the name of…
Nutrition as a treatment muscle cramps in the legs
Some are exposed to painful spasms in the muscles of the legs during sleep acquire for several minutes to lead to pain while returning to relax again within minutes, and in the absence of medical conditions, the muscle spasms related to nutritional factors,…
Facts about muscle pain - muscle building reviews
Try to relax in the bathtub or a read novels fun, and do any action suits, as it is important to note what each with changing your body and the level of energy and determination you have. Avoid stress that patient pain of muscle…
Facts about muscle pain
So how will be able to make sure of the diagnosis of the situation? The doctors examined the pain, and the need to examine at least 11 to 18 specific areas includes areas in the neck and across the chest and in the upper back and the joints of the elbows…
Joints and muscle injuries
Lee muscle: Is the increase in stretch muscles and torn and to address this situation, we do the following: 4 - Ascribe the injured part to ensure maximum comfort. 2 - Put a bag of ice on top of the muscle infected for at least…
Pain in the muscles or joints
May be a pain in the muscles or joints, without redness or swelling of, as a result of effort, a viral infection or excessive physical activity; Sometimes there is no justifiable reason for the joint or muscle pain. This pain…