For those instagram photos you don’t really want to show everyone

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Breaking News, Health Information, General Health News

Sometimes we all get a little Insta-happy. (If you’ve ever posted more than one pet photo in a day, you know what we’re talking about.)  read for more details visit my web page  

 But there’s a new way to share your photos and videos with the people who actually care about them—and only the people who actually care about them.article resource b

This morning, Instagram revealed a new app feature called Instagram Direct, which lets you send a filtered photo or Instavideo to a single user or a group of up to 15 friends. You can see whether your friends have viewed the photo, and they can respond with a comment or a like.   

The feature is perfect for those pictures you’re really just posting so a few people will see them—like the snapshot of a random burger joint from your college town only your sorority sisters will fully appreciate, or the Instavideo of you frowning you really just want to send to your boyfriend. Now, you can—with fun filters! Check it out:


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