How to get rid of cellulite

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Cellulite

If you thought that cellulite is caused by obesity, you're wrong. Famous celebrity dermatologist Dr. Murad explains: "Cellulite is not the problem of obesity, but the skin." Why is formed and how it heals, we learned the Murad Center which has been working with Murad cosmetics, as well as the latest international apparatus of high achievements. for further details click here

When asked what actually cellulite is and how to be treated and which are the latest methods of treatment of cellulite in the world and reduce body fat, answers gave us a doctor Murad Centre-Haina Fifth-Radiković. What is actually cellulite? Simply put, cellulite is a skin that is worn to the point that the floating fat cells manage to penetrate into the dermis and become visible on the surface of the skin. 

Since the skin is the outermost part of the body, the nutrients travel through the blood vessels. When the blood vessels healthy and strong it is a successful process. The process of aging, genetics, hormones, sun damage and disease can cause damage and weakening of the blood vessels. 

When they are damaged and weakened ability circulating nutrients decreases. Given that the cells do not get enough nutrients, cells and dermis begin to deteriorate and does cellulite. Cellulite is not elected - occurs in women of all ages, race and weight. If left untreated, cellulite worsens, warns doctor.go to my webpage 

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