Beauty and youth baths

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer

Body treatments and medications of different kinds of pills to be taken at the same time you do not need to freshen up my glass. Everybody knows that the grass dəmləmələri thousand remedy. Masks made ​​from natural herbs as proof that you made ​​it through today to talk about the baths.


The procedure for preparation of Dəmləməni


To produce 1 kg of brewing at home. 3-4 liters of cold water added to the dried grass, for 10 minutes. Then heat the mixture to boil for 5 minutes. Fire away, about 10 minutes outside of saxlıyın vannanı fill with warm water, add dəmləməni there.


Well before you need to take a bath after taking a bath, the skin's protective layer of fine grass hopsun to be there.


  The procedure should continue for half an hour.


  I raise my glass to rinse with water after taking a bath there!


  Each dəmləmənin has its benefits:


Mint-Soyuqdəyməni the ideal tool to treat. He opened the pores of the skin, ways to breathe clean, fresh skin. At the same time, itching, and redness of mint soothes the skin.   



Rozamarin-Q as soon as possible improves circulation, smoothes wrinkles.




Daisy and Maya herb-Infeksiyalarlala fine fighting form new cells of the skin and rejuvenates the skin.





Prevents lime-terrible sweating, calms the nervous system, eliminates sleep deprivation.




Collecting dried sage and oak bark, skin pores, oily skin matlasdırır, prevent excessive sweating.




Field-old grass, exhausted, pale, dry, wrinkled and cracked skin, rejuvenate, improves blood circulation.




Melissa-juniper and soothe the nerves, revives the sleeping body.





Wild chestnut-visible capillaries and varikozu treatment, subcutaneous blood vessels helps to speed the flow.  



-Helps the body heal wounds quickly Gulumbahar.




Almond-Corn and moisturize the skin, problematic skin conditions, eliminates itching, dry parts of the body softens.





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