How to stop sweating feet?

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer

Umumuyyətlə, wash your feet sweat normally haldırBir rule heels, lazımdırAmma some people change socks regularly excessively sweaty feet. Foot sweating in the bathroom, with the willow tree removal except qaldırırBundan, 1 liter of water 1xqasıgı perekis added vinegar or bath, or oak, horsetail bath crust gostərirVannadan good effect on the spur of the formalin (disinfection, medication) or a special pencil silinirHəmcinin prisipkadan can just use the bathroom does not help your feet every morning leg tərləmədən If there are more shoes to protect your feet sweating lazımdırƏgər score for the spray to spray in the evening is recommended.


Tərləməni creams creams verirBelə effective results in fogging, fungus disease, along with prevention of unpleasant odor in the foot skin qurutmurKremi need to be careful when choosing, because the creams are different according to their functions:


* Anti-fatigue and sweating


* Front and against fungi


* Against Callous


* Stimulating blood circulation


Ayaqların tərləməsinin qarşısını necə almaq olar?

If the skin of the heel and catlayıbsa kobudlasıbsa, 2cay teaspoon soda, hot basins that have been added to qoyunBunun compress the bulbous onion crushed dabanınıza dabanınıza sheep and wrap with cellophane, washed onion heels all night saxlayınSəhər fat cream 2-3 times lazımdırProseduru to take lazımdırSoganı kələmlə can also be replaced.





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