Joey atlas scam -need for strengthening of palliative care

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Nema tagova

Need for strengthening of palliative care in home environment and residential care centers
A study by the Inter Agency (IMA) and the Cancer Registry (SKR) shows that more than half of cancer patients are included in an acute hospital during their

last month of life and therefore death in most cases. Therefore strives IMA for a strengthening of palliative care in the home environment and residential

care centers.
Though some hospitalizations at the end of life are needed or desired, consider scientists and (repeated) hospitalizations at the end of life as an indicator

of a poorer quality of care. In order to identify factors influencing hospitalization during the last months of life, studied the Inter mutuality Agency

(IMA) and the Cancer Registry (SKR), therefore the data from 24,972 cancer patients who are deceased after diagnosis of a cancer type with a rather limited

survival at 5 year.
The study found that more than half of the selected cancer patients have been included in an acute hospital during their last month of life. Especially men

and relatively younger patients have a greater chance of recording. In patients who stay at home with palliative forfeit the chance is considerably smaller.

It is a flat rate allowance for medicines and care and tools.
Even if a multidisciplinary support team is involved in the care (in 50% of patients with palliative price), and if patients are closely supervised by their

doctor, the risk of hospitalization smaller.

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