How to choose a tent?

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Mountain Hardwear, Party Tents, Coleman Tents

It is evident that something is missing in your life, if you are tearing ass off the couch on gathered by wind, rain and possibly snow, go out on the amazing expanse on the necks beloved homeland. W to be there is romance and pioneers worthy to Shih great ancestors. Well, for after such obvious and shameless flattery, in your reader, address, cynically want to say that everything you hattee of Mountain hardwear tents is a lie and a misunderstanding and only now you can join the great h at mints did not lower, say the fifth Masonic level. To intelligently select inventory, for at beginning decide to what actually you for bathing tent. Will it be one-off for Haulage of town, say on a picnic, or you for coming to a week or two fish on the White Sea, or something good so you will secure that if not for, so on to pole? From that, how are you going to rest, will depend on the cost and thus Class tent.
Tent for Picnic
On chemo a picnic. Here the main thing to on after a "cultural center" night, despite on the possible rain and wind. (The case of heavy rain and squalls is not considered). For this, on line to come with waterproof tent canopy from 900mm to 1500mm water column and forth on from 2000mm to 3000mm. Frame tents of fiberglass arches will suffice. These tents are good for relaxing on the south or anywhere, with which it is possible to evacuate within a few hours in a dry and warm place. But if you travel to distant places, perhaps rainy and windy, I advise you not to save money, because hate to soak in your own tent week on dryad thinking about savings dollars. Water-resistant tarpaulin for tents, operated under a multi-day rain and wind should to be from 2500mm to 5000mm. The bottom should keep at least 3000mm and 7000mm up. Frame, usually aluminum.

Tent for Mountains
If for you the best of the mountains can be only mountains you to bathe tent for the most severe on the weather conditions, you and so all hattee of tents. And if you do not h at tee, the next part on Shea on will for you is very entertaining on. We'll tell you about the materials and technologies of IP by collar in tents. Materials and technologies, IP by collar in tents for on the beginning I would like to explain what lies at d terminology on E and acronyms that you see in the catalog. Oz on cheat 185T PU 2500mm.

T - so on the binding "Tex". The larger the number in front of, the fabric is stronger and thicker. Respectively at up to keep a balance, because tissue can be very strong, and therefore thick and heavy (those who walked with canvas tent well on thinks this nightmare). The strength and water resistance of the material of the tent depends on the strength of the fabric, but the water resistance - it is a merit for coating (PU). Fabric by hereby created several layers for laureateon, respectively watertight fabric on exceeds. Number of 2500mm for shows that if you create a water pressure corresponding to 2500mm water column, then on the other side of the fabric for a minute or two will make three drops of water.

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