Truth about six packs abs-appendicitis

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Six Packs



Appendicitis beneficial bacteria slot. 8-15 cm in length, 1 cm in diameter in the lower part of the intestine where the worm-like blind to the ledge. Signs of appendicitis at the bottom of the right thigh and abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and a rise in temperature is evident. Not timely surgical intervention, 18 hours a burst appendix. If the worm-like protrusion (appendix), burst abdomen, spreads around, it gets worse consequences. This is called the appendiceal peritonitis., But if iltihablasmıs entered infiltrates around appendicitis, either resorbable or may irinləyə. Early signs of appendicitis, therefore, felt necessary to consult a doctor immediately.


In the 30s of the twentieth century all children for no reason and started to cut appendisitlərini. As a result, the other guys were behind their peers mentally and physically. At that time, doctors did not give an explanation for this. In recent years, doctors have studied, appendicitis in children are found more frequently and at an early age.



At present, its functional role is clear - the necessary bacteria in the intestines, the appendix serves as an incubator for creating a healthy micro flora. There are masses of lymphatic walls of his throat like tonsils. Therefore, sometimes appendicitis "badamcıgı gut" call.


  Earlier it was believed that the foreign body can not be digested appendisitə when it arises iltihablasır and appendicitis. This is wrong. Her hole is too small to make such objects. Experts note that many of the causes of appendicitis and a variety of food allergies. If there is an immediate need to remove it surgically appendicitis.




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