Truth about six packs abs-paraben - the hidden enemy

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Six Packs

Used to extend the life of the product, skin type substances that cause allergic reactions olurParaben. Benzoic acid and toxic maddədirSinə a torəməsidirZəhərli cancer tumor samples from disease as a result of the research on women in the article revealed that there are plenty of parabens. Hormanal effects in the body, increasing the use of chemicals, especially the spread of breast cancer has led to increased estrogen hormonuyla. Fat tissue in the chest, the closer the body of toxic substances, and breast cancer is the most common type of cancer caused.


Parabens used in cosmetic products in a wide range of p-hydroxy benzoic acid esters of parabens qoruyuculardırKimyəvi substance. Cosmetic products, propylparaben, methylparaben, and is used in conjunction buthylparaben. Typically, more than one paraben is used in the products they are edilirVə, to provide protection against microorganisms is often used in conjunction with other screen to edilirQarısıqlarda Parabens are used in lower levels of activation, which increases the length of fuse activation.


What are the use of preservatives for cosmetics? The raw materials used in cosmetic products, the law should be written on the label to inform the customer. This is an important information for our customers. Thus, they should not unfamiliar product. Parabens are the names: methylparaben, ethylparaben, or benzylparaben buthylparaben.


Paraben - gizli düşmənimiz

Where are the used?


Cosmetics: creams, foundation, powder, eye cosmetics, mascara, make-up, cleaning, lip color, nail paints dry quickly.


Drug outlets: Cream-medication in the form of ointments, eye, ear and nose drops, rectal-vaginal medication, bandages, local anesthetic drugs.


Personal care products: moisturizing lotion and creams, tooth paste, tooth powder cleaners, sun oils, leather cleaners, anti-perspirant deodorants, soaps ...


Foods: Salad dressings, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, frozen foods - vegetables, jams, fruit juices ...


According to a study conducted in England, groomed within 1 day of a woman's skin is about the application of at least 20 kinds of products.


1 Shampoo


2 Hair conditioner


3 Foam


4 Spray


5 Jelly


6 Body shampoo


7 Soap


8 Cleansing lotion


9 Tonic


10 Moisturizing


11 Control cream


12 Body lotion


13 Acetone


14 Varnish


15 Sun protection


16 Rouge


17 Lipstick, pens, nail polish and so on.


18 Mascara


19 Perfume


20 Hand cream.


Is not it amazing? Look, in the twinkling of an eye, we counted more than 20 products and even more. Calculate the daily contents of these funds, the number of skin 175 per day - less than suvadıgımızı can say with chemicals. Each one of them enters the body by penetrating the skin.


Even the guys used to be so dangerous bilərUsaq products shampoo, shower gel, balsams, powders, creams and so on in an oven.

Definitely in need of some cosmetic varAmma maddələrdirOnlara some really useful for our skin?


Paraben - gizli düşmənimiz

How corrupt is without cosmetics?  


Skin care and makeup products is necessary in the use of protective substances. They remain on the skin for a long time, the skin can penetrate up to 10% and can cause allergic reactions.


However, parabens are widely used in cosmetic products, and also carries serious risks Phthales items. Disrupt the normal hormone function of both chemical article studies, lung, liver and kidney damage has been known to increase the risk of breast cancer.


What should we do?


Unfortunately, chic shops, and even a lot of cosmetic products that fill the shelves of pharmacies, the name of the other cəkmədiyimiz of additives include at least a few of them focused.


Be wary of the Kosmetikaların. 1.4 DIOXANE in particular, parabens, phthales, BHT, formaldehyde and sodium Sulfate loreth your home, keep away from the stuff. However, I also keep in mind, the medical district, the authorities do not consider it necessary to disclose fully the composition of cosmetic products.




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