Truth about six packs abs-put your feet flat on the ground when measuring blood pressure

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Six Packs




The most commonly encountered chronic diseases of adults with hypertension.

In fact, hypertension can be treated, even if it is possible to avoid. In order to bring this issue to the focus of the World Health Organization's World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7 this year, has decided to focus on hypertension. April 7 for "blood pressure monitor" slogan was chosen. Live Hospital physician, Professor Tekin Agpolad ways to fight high-pressure and high blood pressure need to be considered when measuring methods explained.

Control of blood pressure during the 2 point is very important:

1 Correct the cause smb. To measure blood pressure: blood pressure does not manifest symptoms of hypertension, early diagnosis is not possible olcdurmədən. Aware of hypertensive disease in one out of every 2. Blood pressure must be measured accurately to the correct diagnosis.

2 Reduce high blood pressure: limit the use of salt, too much weight loss, increasing physical activity, ie sports, smoking and excessive alcohol tərgidilməsi lowers blood pressure reduction regime change. These drugs should be used in situations where the non-poor. As mentioned above, the change of the regime, many patients do not need to use drugs.  

Təzyiq ölçərkən ayaqlarınızı yerə düz qoyun

What should the blood pressure measurement:

1 Oturmalıyıq

2 To relax, calm down,

3 Speak

4Kurəyimizi back soykəməliyik

5Qolumuzu convenient to keep

6Ayaqlarımızı put flat on the ground

7 We need to put our arms on a table at heart.

Hypertonia care patients:

5-10% of patients with hypertension due to another disease. Leading to a significant portion of the kidney diseases caused by hypertension. Another important group is the hormonal diseases.

Təzyiq ölçərkən ayaqlarınızı yerə düz qoyun

Work life and blood pressure

Long working hours, irregular eating at the table for a long time to work and will adversely affect the blood pressure. In addition, due to the stress of working life of employees are at risk of developing hypertension and hypertension-related diseases. Lack of time the employee is engaged in less physical causes. Work meetings Oriental and long-term food restriction regime. When you can not distinguish their own health and treatment may lead to the incorrect implementation. Hypertension treatment consists of three stages: the illness that led to the treatment of hypertension, drug application, make changes in your life. Reducing salt in foods, get rid of excess weight, increasing physical activity, smoking and alcohol are among the main changes in the removal of your life.






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