Truth about six packs abs-rabies

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Six Packs



Human and animal rabies in the central nervous system, resulting in paralysis of dangerous infectious disease. The infectious disease in man or animal bites carrier or drop of saliva as a result of damaged skin. All warm-blooded animals, including birds tend quduzluga. Heyvanalara than other dogs with this disease, which is often more dangerous to humans.



In humans, the disease incubation period of 8-9 days, which lasted a few months after. If the bite location so close to the central nervous system (head, face, hands), the disease is so dangerous.


Symptoms of the disease:


Incubation period of 1-2 days prior to the expiration of the pain at the bite (even if the wound sagalsa), irritability, disturbed vision, dreams, fears arise. Then, the disease is not very high excess temperatures (1-2 degrees), heartbeat, breathing difficulties are accompanied by. The patient's mental condition becomes severe. Delusions, is to go to him. This situation leads to paralysis after 2-3 days. In the end, the patient dies.



In any case, the patient biting by an animal or a rabid animal's saliva is very important to go to the hospital during the fall. Vaccination against diseases caused by biting the sanitary-epidemiological center in case of need to be addressed. Biting animal can not be sick. However, there is a danger in all cases. After vaccination, immunity against the disease in the left half of the year. Been vaccinated against Quduzluga within 6 months should not drink alcohol, as well as excessive fatigue, heat, and protect themselves from the cold! Do not try to stop the blood flowing from the wound biting. Axarsa how much blood, it can be removed at the same viruses. Wound several times around the disinfectant solution (iodine, manganese solution, alcohol) wipe. In folk medicine to increase bleeding wound around the circular sections of not more than 0.5-1 cm is recommended. To speed up the bleeding wound, wash with warm water, then wipe with a solution of manganese in the zone.




In rural areas where rabies virus in animals injured by a fall during dentition heated iron on top of the wound were stigmatizing (high fever viruses are dying). Rabies is a disease that is applied when there are many folk remedies. Of course, these remedies do not help, consult a medical cure.


Rabies logmanlar advise on:


100 grams of walnuts, honey, 100 grams, 50 grams of salt, 50 grams of onion juice and mix. Blend keep in the fridge. Take a dessert spoon a day. This mixture should be put in place are hurting every two hours.




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