Choose a prom dress to reflect your individuality

Kategorija: Glavna
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With comeback-kid characters like Mae Whitman as Bianca in The Duff, or throwback characters like Molly Ringwald as Samantha Baker in Sixteen Candles, the new normal for prom dress wearing has become anything but. Exceptionally unordinary women like these set the foundation for individualism, and I am barely scratching the surface in just mentioning these two. Prom is your chance to flaunt what makes you, you. Wear a dress that supports that ideal. Milly Bridal will help you find your new normal with their wide selection of dashing prom dresses. Some will bring out your inner movie star, while others, your inner goddess. Whatever role you feel like playing at prom, make sure the leading one is you. Some of my favorite prom dresses scenes from movies include Molly Ringwald as Samantha Baker, but of course, I also quite enjoy her as Andie Walsh in Pretty in Pink. Ringwald inspired me as a teenager to be daring with my style and try new things. I recall once wearing lace white gloves to school, and a petticoat-resemblant blouse. In that moment, I thought I was the coolest! If I were looking for a prom dress now, I would certainly consider elements of Andie's Pretty in Pink dress to incorporate onto my own. I love lace, and have always been a fan of baby pink. What I enjoy most about Mae Whitman as Bianca wearing her prom dress in The Duff, is her rebellious attitude, that reflects as quirky and kind. Whitman has a special magic about her that enchants audiences. You instantly feel like her friend. You relate to her. I would never designate her as my ugly fat friend, nor would I onto anyone, that is. Set your own status quo at prom, like Mae Whitman as Bianca. Don't follow someone else's standards. You'll be more comfortable when you follow your own. Lead yourself down your own path. Be confident! Whether you go to prom with girlfriends, or with a special partner, don't be afraid to dance to your own beat. Though the saying is cheesy, it speaks true. Celebrate your spirit, when you choose a dress that reflects how you feel. Don't be afraid to sparkle, whether that means wearing a black and red plaid prom dress, or a bedazzled sheer gown. Do you! Molly Ringwald once said, "In life, there is always that special person who shapes who you are, who helps to determine the person you become." I'd like to think she was talking about oneself. Certainly, there are many people that shape your life, but you cannot let them wholly define you. You create your own story. It's your choice. All it takes is a little perspective, and maybe, this year, it will start with choosing a prom dress. Happy shopping! Don't forget to dance a dance for me at prom, ladies. *Today's post is sponsored by, but all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
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