The massage against cellulite

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Нема тагова

There are many natural ways that we can get rid of cellulite. One of the methods of natural anti-cellulite massage, which can certainly affect the reduction of cellulite. Cellulite massage is similar to therapeutic massage. 

Its aim is to remove cellulite, not relaxation. As with other massage uses pressure on the skin, and the area affected by cellulite is tightens. Anti-cellulite massage is more intense than therapeutic, can even leave bruises because without stronger pressure, massage will not work on cellulite. Cellulite massage act on what is going on beneath the skin. click here

 Such a drastic massage enhances blood flow, circulation and lymphatic drainage. With these three cellulite tend to remain in a particular part of the body, resulting in the removal of cellulite with masiranog areas. Cellulite will not disappear immediately after the first treatment. 

In fact, it will take at least 10 treatments before you notice the difference. This is because you need a regular activity in this area to cellulite fragmented and disappeared with a specific part of the body. 

Cellulite massage can do for you. Massage is recommended to use oils or creams cellulite. 

Oil against cellulite can do so by mixing 30 ml of base oil with 3 drops of essential oils of cypress, 3 drops of lemon essential oil and 3 drops of essential oil of juniper. 

For part affected by cellulite, apply oil or lotion, from which you will hand glide smoothly over the skin. Start the massage from the lowest point, up to the heart. Press a moderate skin and do the following moves:

Long movements, using wrists, fingers or palm.

A circular motion hands.

Massage your body so that you receive the skin between thumb and forefinger and rub in a circular motion as it is dough.details about joey atlas program 

Again pinch the skin between your thumb and forefinger and gently drag it away from the body.

Pinch the skin gently with your thumb and gently pull it in all directions.

Always massage finished with relaxed wide movements. 

Massage every day for at least 5 minutes per problem areas and, with a little patience, the results will follow.


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