In the perforation of eardrum leaking fluid from the ear

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Health, Health Care, Health Program

A month ago from my ear began to drip a yellow-brown liquid. I expect that this is a temporary phenomenon and it will stop the leak, but they didn't. My problem continues to this day. What could be the reasons?
Glenn Daniel, Smolyan

In principle, the channel is wetted with Earwax and fine by expiry of the yellow-brown mucus. It is scarce and there is no unpleasant smell, do not appear pain or itching. This is a normal condition. It needs no treatment, and the pus is absorbs after bathing with a cotton cloth. In other cases, it's about a skin disease of external auditory passage. The disease most commonly is eczema or infection caused by a fungus. In both there is itching and watery discharge.

When the fungus color of the secret is different depending on their type. Expiry of the discharge from the ear may be a sign of spontaneous perforation of the tympanic membrane and requires antibiotic treatment. Spontaneous perforation of the membrane facilitates the healing process, but requires further treatment and carefully monitor how is this.

At the discretion of a physician specialist is sometimes require surgery, tympanic membrane perforation target – miringotomiâ to leak fluid or pus from the middle ear. After rescuing perforation, whether spontaneous or target, closes without consequences. As a final measure aimed at keeping the hearing under heavy, prolonged or recurrent otitis, in the operational opening of the tympanic membrane is placed a special ventilating tube which can remain there for months and serves for ventilation of the middle ear and overcome the infection. In conclusion: the end of the discharge from the ear may be harmless or dangerous symptoms and require review by a specialist to determine what the problem is.

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