Treating cellulite

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Cellulite

What are the latest methods of treating cellulite?

Currently the world's best-known method is kriolipoliza . First we salon in Croatia who worked eliminate cellulite and fat by this method and we are satisfied with the results of our clients. 

Unlike cavitation, kriolipoliza works by freezing the fat cells in the skin, and is combined with a vacuum diathermy which works by heating at 45 ° C and the surface smooth and cellulite. 

Kriolipolize advantage against cavitation we had before, is that this treatment 2 works in one, and therefore acts on adipose tissue and cellulite.

To remove the fat?

Fat cells are frozen at -5 ° C so that actually leads to their decay. Of course for a good result, it takes at least six consecutive treatments. Heating to 45 ° C will achieve a response that is similar to the increase in blood flow at maximal exercise. Which areas can be treated? Treat We legs, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms and chin. Is it necessary to change lifestyle and diet? Advisable is a high-quality and healthy diet and engage in some physical activity, because we are in our Body programs connect a variety of body treatments and a fitness gym or pool, because it is extremely important to maintain the results that will make kriolipoliza. click here

How long does the treatment and whether it is painful?

Treatment is painless because it is non-surgical treatment to remove cellulite and fat cells. It takes an hour and a half, and it was included by apparatus and lymphatic drainage. Which other treatments do you recommend before summer? With kriolipolizu recommend Muradov and Vitamin C Body Wrapping which gives excellent results. Anti-cellulite massage hand also gives good results in combination with kriolipolizom because it stimulates circulation. We also peel-e body to clear the skin of dead surface cells.  

And in the end, that is the price kriolipolize?

cost is a little higher than other aparativnih methods, means there is £ 690, which is understandable due to the effectiveness of treatment and the high cost of the device itself and all of its certification. When taken in the programs, the price is quite favorable, and the cash grant and a 10% discount.for mfurther information about what is cellulite 

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