Loss of the sense of hearing

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Health, Health Care, Health News

Anatomy of the ear loss of the sense of hearing can begin at an early age, but age seemed to be getting worse. Proper nutrition throughout life can help in the prevention of hearing loss nursing. You might think that the ear organ that is primarily responsible for hearing, but it actually has two very important jobs in the body. Of course, the ear is an instrument for the transmission of sound, but also the organ that helps to maintain balance.tinnitus miracle review

The human ear consists of three parts: the outer, middle and inner. The outer ear is the one that we can see, the middle ear is air-filled chamber in which the eardrum, which is used for receiving and amplifying sound waves, the inner ear contains receptors sensitive hearing, which were closed in the fluid-filled chamber called cochlea (Latin cochlea - the snail, named after the shape). In the inner ear the sound waves are converted into nerve stimuli that are transmitted to the brain, where they are interpreted as sound. Part of the ear that is farthest inland responsible for maintaining body balance, when you change the position of the head or body, inner ear transmits to the brain nerve stimulation, which help us to stay in balance. Among the diseases of the ears are infection, then tinnitus (ringing in the ears), rupture (spraying) of the eardrum, syndrome (dizziness) and various types of deafness.

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