Woman in red will cost a lot more money

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Fat Loss, Health And Fitness, Health Program, Kyle Leon

Woman in red will cost a lot more money


Men are more interested in women in red and are willing to spend a lot more money, according to her. Introduction to Kyle Leon http://www.kyleleonreviewscam.com/


The researchers draw conclusions in the journal of Experimental Social Psychology . They base their study on different experiments, which have proved what many women have long suspected: not only the cleavage, but especially the coloring of that red dress also does the ears of men red colors.


Experiment, the researchers presented images of women for men. The pictures were outlined with a colored line or background had gotten a tan. The men were asked to rate how attractive they found the women. The ladies against a red background or a red list were considered much more attractive.




Also ... women have a weakness for men in red ?




In another experiment, the men got to see for example how women wore a red shirt pictures. The researchers told the subjects that they were to imagine that they had a date with this woman and that she had to spend 100 Euros. 100% Money Back Guarantee http://www.kyleleonreviewscam.com/customized-fat-loss-review/


How would they like to give out to the woman Men indicated significantly longer wish to spend when the woman in red.

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