Grow taller 4 idots -these everyday items can be used much more efficiently

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Grow Taller

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These everyday items can be used much more efficiently

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Eight (indispensable) inventions by women

Life of sponges

Deriving your kitchen sponge to his last breath , but you do not provide a replacement ? Then you can always perform a final rescue. Allow the sponge overnight draw in salt water . Everything will be much fresher and cleaner smell and feel .

Store cheese

If you like a lie , beautiful pieces of cheese in the fridge wraps her best napkins which are first soaked in salt water. It is a technique that is used . By cheese makers worldwide

Moisture Circuits

Are your wood furniture filled circles bags and glasses ? With a mixture of one teaspoon of salt with a few drops of water and a soft cloth or sponge you can rub off circles . Then bring back the shine with furniture . The remaining flowers in vases failure can tackle with a salt scrub . If your hands do not fit your best fill the vase with a mixture of water and salt . In retrospect, I clean everything here with soap and water .

Lime & dirt


A salt scrub is not only good for your skin . Also, your kitchen and bathroom can benefit from it . With salt you can tackle namely calcium , but also banished leftovers in pots and pans or sticky layers of burnt in the oven . Work finally also odors from the exhaust path with boiling water and salt .






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